Intermediate/Advanced Dance
Dances from Harangláb (Küküllőmente)
Harangláb (Hărănglab in Romanian) is a Transylvanian village in Romania in the Kis Küküllő region with populations of Hungarians, Romanians, and Gypsys. Dances from this area are one of the specialties of Pisti and Erika’s. The Romanian dances have a very exciting asymmetric rhythm. The Hungarian dances are similar to the other Küküllőmenti dances.
Erika and Pisti provided a link to a performance of Harangláb dances here on Google drive.
Dances from Madocsa
Madocsa is a village south of Budapest, in Tolna county, Hungary. The dance cycle with its slow and fast csardas and verbunk belongs to the middle Danubian dance cycle, and will be taught in the second half of camp. The local, peasant dance group helped preserve the dance traditions since the 1940s.
This year Sziszi and Ildikó will reprise this material from last year at a more advanced teaching level.
Watch a demonstration here: Madocsai csárdás
Beginning Level Dance
Dances of Tövishát (Szilágyság)
Szilágyság (Sălaj in Romanian) is a region in the northwestern part of Romania alongside the river Szamos. Since the Latinized version of Szilágyság is Sylva or Sylvania (i.e. forest) this may be the origin of the name Transylvania (”past the forest”). Tövishát, the middle part of Szilágyság with mixed Hungarian and Romanian population, has rich cultural traditions. The dresses there favor the blue color.
Szilágyság is more connected to the Szatmár region geographically, while the cultural connections have traditionally been stronger with Kalotaszeg. Influence in both regions can be seen in the dances of Szilágyság. Tövishát is known for its “outside-foot” dances.
Typical dances of the Szilágyság area include legényes, verbunk (men’s dances), karikázó (women’s circle dance), and csárdás és ugrálós (jumping) couple dances.